We strive to provide personalized medical care.

Walk-in Blood Test

About blood test

We offer walk-in blood analysis. If you have some concerns or would like to assess the effects of your efforts on changing lifestyles such as increased exercise, low-carbo diet, switching to non-alcohol beverages, and … etc. , we welcome you to come to our clinic and order particular blood tests. We will send you the test results and a brief comment from an MD via e-mail or a letter. This is not reimbursed by the Japanese health insurance.

If we think it is better for you to seek for additional consultation by specialists, we will contact you and ask you to come to our clinic for a follow-up visit. Follow-up visits like this are reimbursed by the Japanese health insurance.

*Total time; approximately 30 min. at the clinic

What you do

  1. At the reception
    Please tell the receptionist that you want to do blood check (Ketsueki-Dokku shitai desu. – in Japnese)
  2. Fill in the questioner
    Name, Address (home and where the test results will be sent)・Age・Height・Weight・Hours after meal・Past medical history)
  3. Choose the blood test item
  4. Blood is taken by a nurse
  5. Payment
  6. Receive the results
    by e-mail and/or by a letter (this may take a few days or a week depending on the check item you choose)

Check items•fees

  • Commonly used items are as follows. For those who have difficulty in choosing the items, we have several ‘sets’ to offer.
  • The fee is different according to the check item you choose.
  • We receive 1,100 yen for each check-up as a handling fee.

Inspection fee by item

CBC (complete blood count)
Liver function
Kidney function
Fast blood glucose・HbA1c *blood should be taken before breakfast¥2,200
HDL・LDL・Triglyceride *blood should be taken before breakfast¥1,430
Uric acid¥550
Allergy:Non-specific IgE (RIST)
Allergy:Specific IgE(RAST)
for one item ( The item should be enlisted. Please ask the receptionist whether the specific item you want is on the list.)¥1,100

Set inspection fee

Life-style related diseases(Diabetes, Hyperlipidemia, and Gout)
FBS・HbA1c・Total Chol・LDL・HDL・Triglycerid・AST(GOT)・ALT(GPT)・γGTP・UricAcid ¥4,950
Liver and Pancreas(for those who drinks alchohol)
AST(GOT)・ALT(GPT)・LDH・γGTP・Total and Direct Bilirubin・Amylase¥3,300
Viral hepatitis and liver function
ALT(GOT)・AST(GPT)・LDH・γGTP・Total and Direct Bilirubin・ HBs Ag and Ab・HCV Ab¥11,000
HIV Ab・Syphilis・Chlamydia Ab・Gonorrhea (Urine) ¥15,400